6. Oktober 2016

Grundeinkommensdiskussion in Kanada - Was ist der Stand der Dinge?

Kate McFarland schrieb dazu Anfang September für die Basic Income News unter anderem:

"The pilot is designed to test a guaranteed minimum income, in which participants’ total incomes are topped up to above the poverty line. This income subsidy will supplement any support received from existing anti-poverty programs, which will not be eliminated or replaced during the pilot.

Thus, although it is often referred to by the term ‘basic income’, the policy to be tested in Ontario should be distinguished from the commonly discussed “demogrant” model of basic income, wherein all individuals receive a regular payment of the same amount, regardless of other earnings or total income. Ontario will be investigating a program that supplements the earnings of individuals whose incomes are below a certain level (e.g. the poverty line). In this respect, the pilot is similar to Manitoba’s well-known “Mincome” experiment of the late 1970s."

Mitte September erschien ein Bericht mit dem Titel "Pilot Lessons
How to design a basic income pilot project for Ontario", der Empfehlungen macht, wie ein Experiment angelegt sein sollte. Eine der Autoren ist Evelyn L. Forget, die vor wenigen Jahren Auswertungen der Daten des Mincome-Experiments aus den 70er Jahren in Manitoba veröffentlichte und dabei mit manchem Vorurteil aufgeräumt hatte (siehe "The Town with no Poverty").

Sascha Liebermann